My dear Friends,

The Prophets and the Apostles enquired about the future restoration of the nation of Israel, saying “When will these things be?”

The answer is much clearer today than at any other time.  Israel is back on the stage of world history and she has become the focus of attention for many nations!

The Bible is clear. Israel’s physical restoration will ultimately be followed by Israel’s spiritual restoration!

For many years now we have been praying and looking for the Spiritual Awakening of Israel.  And this Great Awakening has begun!

What a wonderful privilege it is to be alive at this time in world history. And what a responsibility we have to take our stand for Israel!

Please join with us for our Annual Conference 2025 in the Ballroom of the Lucan Spa Hotel in Dublin.

We are particularly honoured to have exceptional international speakers with us this year, David Parsons and Paul & Nuala O’Higgins.

Our speakers will bring God’s perspective on current events in the Middle East, in the greater context of God’s Covenant purposes for Israel to bless the whole world.

We look forward to this fresh opportunity to encourage ourselves, to inform ourselves, and to renew our commitment to Stand with Israel.

Registration is now open and tickets are available on Eventbrite – using the Link below. Tickets are €35 per adult and are free of charge for children.

The Ticket cost includes the Tea/Coffee breaks and also Lunch.

We also encourage families with children to join with us.  There is no charge for children and children’s ministry will be provided for children of Primary School age.

Together, for His glory and for the blessing of Israel and the nations,

Paul Coulter

National Director

ICEJ Ireland

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