Embassy Closure
Date - 23.12.2024ICEJ Ireland expresses regret at the final parting of the ways in the Ireland – Israel relationship
The Irish Branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem expresses profound regret and national shame for the extreme and unrelenting anti-Israel rhetoric and actions of the Irish Government over recent years. Ireland is justly shamed and diminished by the consequent and justifiable decision by the Israeli Government to close their Embassy.
We concur with the view of the Israeli Foreign Minister that accuses Ireland of antisemitism. We recall with profound shame and regret that this is not the first occasion on which Ireland is so charged.
In May1945, in the full knowledge of the Holocaust, the Irish Government was unique among the nations in offering condolences to the German people on the death of Hitler.By way of justification Ireland posited that there was a moral equivalence between the suffering of the German people and the suffering of their victims.
The action of the Irish Government of the day was described by a Washington Post editorial as being “Moral Myopia”. This charge could equally be applied to the current situation. History is repeating itself and once again Ireland stands in the moral dock. Then, as now, the Irish Government acted with a deluded certainty of the moral rightness of their actions.
When it comes to the subject of Israel and her fight to preserve her very existence in the face of a genocidal enemy it is clear where the sympathies of Ireland lie.No other nation is singled out, and no other issue is singled out, in the way that Israel is. Israel bashing has become a national obsession!
In the view of the Irish media and political establishment, Israel and the Jewish people can never do anything right. A reader or viewer will hunt in vain for a single positive comment regarding Israel. Where the subject of Israel is concerned Ireland has become obsessed and unbalanced to the point of derangement.
Paul Coulter, the National Director of the Irish Branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) said, “I have never heard a single word of recognition by the Irish Authorities of the many positive actions taken by Israel to minimise civilian casualties and save lives in this conflict. On the contrary, every single action by the Israeli Government and Defence Forces has been construed in a negative light.”
The aims and objectives of Hamas, to bring about the complete eradication of the State of Israel, is no secret. Their attempts to do so enjoys the support of the overwhelming majority of the population of Gaza. The premeditated deeds of rape and butchery on October 7th last year are not regretted but, as they have stated, will be repeated whenever there is the opportunity to do so.
Despite their protestations to the contrary, the Irish Government has clearly taken a side in this conflict and has rewarded the evil deeds of terrorists with recognition of statehood and, by extension, with the validation of their actions. In addition, not content with this, Ireland has embarked on a campaign of advocacy for their evil cause.
The year 2024 will go down as a year of infamy by the Government of Ireland for their diplomatic ‘Action Plan’ which includes,
o Re-opening of the Irish Embassy in Iran, global sponsor of terror.
o Letter of congratulations from the President of Ireland to the new President of Iran offering condolences on the death of his fellow party members including “the Butcher of Bagdhad”.
o Attempting to introduce legislation for an economic boycott of Israel.
o Unilateral and unconditional recognition of Palestinian statehood.
o Upholding illegal arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court and Ireland’s intent to arrest Prime Minister Netanyahu as a war criminal.
o Formally requesting the International Court of Justice to redefine the crime of Genocide. In effect, proposing to re-write the law, after the fact, to strengthen a weak case that frames Israel as the aggressor.
These are not the actions of a friend who is seeking the resolution of a complex conflict but, despite protestations to the contrary, are clearly the actions of an anti-semitic and hostile government.
It was anticipated that the opening of the Embassy of Israel in Ireland during 1996 was a further step in the development of a mutually beneficial relationship. However, Ireland has proved to be unfaithful in the diplomatic marriage and the decision by theIsraeli Government to call it a day is entirely reasonable and understandable.It is less understandable to hear the words of injured innocence given in his defence by the Taoiseach of Ireland.
We can be certain that, with or without the support of Ireland, Israel will continue to prosper and fulfil her destiny; a light to the nations, a beacon of hope for the oppressed, and as a moral thermometer of the health of nations.
“Although Ireland self-names herself “Ireland of the Welcomes” it has sadly proved to be a cold country for Israel. However, be assured that in the hearts of many Irish men and women, warm fires of love and understanding are burning for you. A new dawn will surely come in the relationship between Ireland and Israel, but until then, we will continue to be your friends and your Embassy, in Ireland” said the ICEJ National Director for Ireland.
Paul Coulter
National Director
ICEJ Ireland
18th December 2024