Dear Friends,

Our Love-gift is on its way to the people of Israel!

Israel is on the brink of war!

Dear Friends,

Our Love-gift is on its way to the people of Israel!

Israel is on the brink of war!

Her need for our love and for our practical support could not be more urgent.

Our response could not be more timely!

I am delighted to confirm that ICEJ Ireland forwarded €40,000 to Israel last week for the purchase of this essential life-saving equipment. The Medicycle is now on order from the specialist suppliers.  (In addition, we have sent a further €10,000 towards other ICEJ Aid Projects)


I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to each and every one who has contributed so generously and sacrificially to this.  Thank You!

I hope to personally present our Medicycle in due course but at the present time the priority is to get it on the road, saving lives on our behalf!

Until the Lord comes or takes us to be with Himself, we resolutely stand together for the will and purpose of God for His nation of Israel !

Paul Coulter

ICEJ Ireland – National Director

(ps. The photo above is for illustrative purposes only)

Her need for our love and for our practical support could not be more urgent.

Our response could not be more timely!