Open letter to the people of Israel
Date - 29.5.2024
Open Letter to the people of Israel
Dear Israel,
There is some good news coming from Ireland, for a change!
Despite the Irish weather, with dark skies and torrential downpour, a large crowd of Irish men and women gathered outside of the Irish Parliament buildings carrying a message that says to Israel, “You are not alone”.
The March of Solidarity with Israel was organised by the Irish Branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, the Ireland Israel Alliance, Towards Jerusalem Council II, and All Nations Church with the support of the Jewish and Israeli Communities in Ireland.
In the background of the demonstration was the Dáil, the Irish Parliament Buildings. This is where, on Tuesday 28th May , the Irish Government will unconditionally recognise a State of Palestine. And in response to this, a large crowd of ordinary Irish men and women, gathered together with a simple response to their Government, “Not in my name!” This is not a message that you will hear from the Irish Mainstream media but it was the message carried by speaker after speaker on Sunday afternoon in Dublin.
Among the speakers was the newly appointed Chief Rabbi of Ireland, Rabbi Yoni Wieder. He follows in the footsteps of previous incumbents of that office which includes Chief Rabbi Isaac HaLevy Herzog, grand-father of the current President of Israel. Rabbi Wieder also declared, as he witnessed with so many people present standing with Israel, that “Israel was truly not alone!”
Paul Coulter, National Director of the Irish Branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem said, “When the Government of Ireland chooses to reward Hamas for their evil deeds, for rape and other unspeakable atrocities; we know that they have thrown away their moral compass”
Alan Shatter was the first speaker of the afternoon. Alan is a leading member of the Jewish Community in Ireland and Chair of Magen David Adom in Ireland. He is also a former Jewish Minister for Justice in the Irish Parliament. His presence served as a reminder of the great debt that is owed to the Jewish community for providing Ireland with many eminent Doctors, High Court Judges, Government Ministers, and Parliamentarians for over a century.
Pastor John Ahern from All Nations Church stated that “the decision of the Irish Government represented a false compassion that required no change by the perpetrators.” Pastor Ahern told the Irish Government that it would be a better use of their time to fix the many issues of Ireland before trying to fix Israel.
The many pro-Israel supporters were not alone on Sunday afternoon. A small group of pro-Hamas supporters had gathered nearby to intimidate and shout down our speakers. Among them stood people with keffiyeh shrouded faces that reminded us of the masked face of IRA terrorism that Ireland had endured for decades. The failed supporters of toxic Irish nationalism have re-emerged in support for a new form of terrorism. Terrorism that showed us its depraved and evil face in Israel on October 7th.
The presence of so many Irish supporters of Israel on the streets of Dublin certainly gives lie to the narrative that Ireland is an anti-Semitic nation. Some of the members of the Irish public who voted for Israel in the recent Eurovision song contest have voted again by their presence. Their vote is not the vote of an anti-Semitic people
The Irish Government does not have a mandate from the Irish people to speak for us by recognising a Palestinian State at this time and in these circumstances. At a recent meeting of the Governments own Parliamentary Party the view was strongly expressed by members that the Governments decision does not represent the opinion of the Party’s grassroots.
As we witnessed last Sunday, the voice of “official” Ireland is not the only voice that is heard on the streets of Ireland. Israel is not alone today in Ireland!
Paul Coulter
National Director – Ireland
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem