Feast of Tabernacles 2024
Date - 29.10.2024
ICEJ’s Feast 2024 Featured in the News
Christians from 54 Nations Brave War Dangers to Bless Israel at ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles.

The Jerusalem Post reported on the address of Jewish Agency Chairman Gen Doron Almog to our Feast gathering on Israeli Guest Night at the majestic Tower of David, where Christians from 55 nations were present. He explained the importance of Christian support for Israel, especially to help with the great Aliyah of Jews returning to their ancestral homeland. This was one of three articles the Jerusalem Post published on the Feast. Read article: Doron Almog tells ICEJ of three top Jewish Agency priorities. Also see Friendship at the feast and With a little help from our friends.

All Israel News reported on the Feast more than once, highlighting the various events and the participation of over 400 Christian pilgrims who, undeterred by the volatile security situation in Israel, joined the ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles celebration. Read article: Christians coming for ICEJ Feast experience a taste of heaven on earth. Also see ‘To succeed we need you,’ Israeli minister tells Christian pilgrims at ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles.

Ynetnews.com, the popular English news site for Yediot Aharonot, Israel’s second largest newspaper, carried this warm feature on the ICEJ and all the courageous Christians who came to stand with the Jewish nation and people during Sukkot. Read article: Christian Zionists defy war to stand with Israel at Feast of Tabernacles.
The global Jewish News Syndicate distributed a positive story on the Feast just ahead of our gathering in Jerusalem, declaring this year’s Feast “the largest Christian solidarity mission since the outbreak of the war a year ago.” Read article: Christian Zionists head to Jerusalem for Feast of the Tabernacles.

Israel Hayom, Israel’s largest daily newspaper, focused on the ICEJ’s Feast pilgrims taking part in the Jerusalem March in Sacher Park in Jerusalem. They featured Fanoosh Nazari, an Iranian native who shared with Israelis her story of being taught as a child to hate Israel and the Jewish people but how she came to love them by finding Jesus. Read article (Hebrew): “Here to love Israel out loud”: The surprising journey of the Iranian woman who fights for Israel.
Maariv, the third largest daily paper in Israel, did an inspiring story on the ICEJ’s brave Feast pilgrims about to arrive for Sukkot, despite the war. Read article (Hebrew): Despite the war, hundreds of Christians who love Israel are expected to come to a support conference in Jerusalem.